I have been working as a Sound engineer since 1997

Up until 2001 I worked for an MI store, that also provided rental services as well. 

From 2001 till 2011 I worked at the Millenaris Park in Budapest as a Sound engineer and more or less participated in all events that took place at that venue. This includes theater, broadcast a musical productions as well. 

During this interval I also travel a lot to most european countries and the USA a Canada as well. 
Since 2011 I work as FOH or Monitor mixer for productions. I prefer to work in events that have artistic values. 

Bands I have mixed on-tour are Hobo Blues Band, Neck Sprain, Magma Rise, Brody János, Zagar, Bíró Eszter, Szabó Balázs Bandája…etc.

Since 2012 I am also head of a studio in Budapest

In 2013 I was awared the Soundtechnicial of the year by HANOSZ, EJI, ARTISJUS, MAHASZ, Szerzők Egyesülete, Kőbányai Zenei Studió, Marock Egyesület, Magyar Zeneművészek és Táncművészek Szakszervezete az év „Zenélni Díj”.

From this year I participate in Sapienta University’s Sound Engineers classes as a freelance Sound Engineer, teaching basic sound engineering knowledge on how to provide Sound at festivals, etc.


Career Highlights

Sound engineer since 1997

Up until 2001 I worked for an MI store selling PA bits and pieces

From 2001 till 2011 I worked at the Millenaris Park Events in Budapest as a Sound engineer and more or less participated in all events that took place at that venue. This included theater, broadcast a musical productions as well live gigs. 

Since 2011 I work as FOH or Monitor mixer for famous hungarian bands (Hobo Blues Band, Neck Sprain, Magma Rise, Brody János, Zagar, Bíró Eszter, Szabó Balázs Bandája…etc. )

From 2016 I teach basic sound engineering in Sapienta Hungarian University of Transylvania.

Favorite DPA Microphones

4099 microphone for any possible acoustic instrument is the preferred choice
d:facto™ Vocal microphone is my preferred vocal mic in most applications

Contact information

Takács László "Taki"
Live Engineer
Budapest, Hungary

Profile information

Segments: PA/Rental

Speaks: Hungarian

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