For Elff, starting with good source material is key, and having a mic that captures that source material accurately is critical. “In many cases, the only EQ’ing I need to do on the instruments miked with DPA is a bit of high-pass filtering,” says Elff. “If my PA is well managed and the mics are good, very little EQ’ing is necessary. I will absolutely continue to use DPA mics on The Silk Road Ensemble performances as they are a perfect fit. I carry a variety of DPA models in my microphone kit and will continue to call on them regularly as new projects emerge.”
According to Elff, it was many years ago when he had a microphone “revelation” during a recording session. He set up a number of microphones on various instruments along with a pair of DPA
d:dicate™ 4006A Omnidirectional Microphones for ambience. As Elff cued up that channel, he realized that it was the first time he had heard a channel of audio where he couldn’t “hear” the microphone - all he heard was the quality of the room, clean and uncolored. Ever since then, DPA microphones have been among Elff’s go-to mics for recordings.
As part of his daily operation, Elff today relies on a selection of DPA microphones including the
d:screet™ 4061 Omnidirectional Microphone,
d:vote™ Instrument Microphones,
d:fine™ 4088 Directional Headset Microphone,
d:fine™ 4066 Omnidirectional Headset Microphone and
d:dicate™ 4006 for a variety of applications, including studio recording, field recording and concert reinforcement.
“While there are many fine microphone choices from other companies that have been around for a long time, I’m always happy to see DPA’s as an option, and will often spec them for projects that I’m working on,” he says. “DPA microphones provide a fantastic balance of sonic excellence with practical, physical utility. Many of the DPA miniature microphones occupy a unique place in the audio industry, being so small and versatile while still maintaining excellent sonic quality.”